Our Partners

Collaborating for a healthier future.

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PHP uses a two-part approach to build capacity and partners in countries. Each project
is divided into two parts

1. development of the technology and product and

2. clinical development and project implementation

• Both parts go together to improve care, create a new standard for practitioners to
improve the quality of care, reduce care variation, and lower the cost of care.

• The first technical plan is divided into five phases that guide the EQIS software
development over three months.
• The second part provides guidance on the implementation and launching of the
project and will be completed in three tasks over two years:


Peabody Health Philanthropies is proud to work with a diverse
range of partners who share our commitment to healthcare quality and access.
Our partners include health ministries, NGOs, and corporate entities who
contribute their expertise, resources, and networks to help us achieve our

Together, we leverage our collective strengths to develop and
implement innovative solutions that address the most pressing healthcare
challenges in LMICs. Through our partnerships, we create sustainable and
scalable models that empower healthcare providers and improve patient

Our Health Ministry Partners

Collaborating with governments for sustainable healthcare.

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Peabody Health Philanthropies partners with health ministries in LMICs to create sustainable and effective healthcare systems. We work closely with government officials and healthcare providers to understand local needs, design tailored solutions, and implement best practices.

Our health ministry partnerships focus on promoting healthcare
quality and access through innovative solutions such as patient simulations, data
analytics, and standardization. We also help health ministries to strengthen their
health workforce, develop health policies, ensure certification/standards and
mobilize resources.

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Our NGO Partners

Collaborating with civil society for community health.

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Peabody Health Philanthropies partners with NGOs that are
dedicated to improving healthcare outcomes for underserved communities. We
work with grassroots organizations, advocacy groups, and humanitarian
agencies to address the most pressing health challenges in LMICs.

Our NGO partnerships focus on promoting community health
through innovative solutions such as patient simulations, health education, and
capacity building. We also help NGOs with impact assessments and to advocate
for policies that prioritize health equity and human rights, and to mobilize
resources for sustainable healthcare initiatives.

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Our Corporate Partners

Collaborating with the private sector for healthcare innovation.

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Peabody Health Philanthropies partners with private sector
companies that are committed to advancing healthcare innovation and
sustainability. We work with large employer groups and technology firms to
develop and scale innovative solutions for healthcare quality and access and
ensure the health of their employees

Our corporate partnerships focus on promoting healthcare
innovation through investment, research and development, and strategic
collaboration. We also help companies to align their business goals with their
social impact objectives, and to promote ethical and responsible business

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